Operations are attempts to perform examples of abjective, dysfunctional, and relational holes in system-wholes.

Rather than constructing stagings built of subjective/objective/objective-driven/object-oriented/subjected parts, we are practicing (de)liberation as a simultaneity of intentional stagings. As (de)liberations dig holes, mounds of empiric dirt build up and idealistic abymes appear.
Rather than participating in, situating, and surveying functioning systems, we transfer and confuse roles and rites, scoring (in)tensional hows instead of whats and situating surveillance and score-making dysfunctions as somatically-deranged speculative processes.
Conditions and contexts are directly materialized by bodilies, correlating idealogical negations, sensations and perceptions, and theoretical enablances with (dis)(en)(re)(as)semblative affections for how (be)comes (to) matter(s).