Score for “embarrassed of the whole” #6
1. build a live model of a speculative analog-computing processor which is grounded in attempts to collude and alternate (i.e. "flutter" or "vibrate") between and through mathetic logics and aesthetic processes of signification and interpretation. Exemplify, using this live model, a form of processing logic which is in some ways systemic* (resilient**) and alternating*** (queer****), framed***** (defined*****) and relational*******(interpreted********)
2. make agreements between mathetic and aesthetic processes of definition and interpretation that include the theoretical propisitions A, B, and C:
A.) that any form of communication can be translated into any other form of communication (infinite factorial: body to body, symbol to sign, affect to act, affect to sign, symbol to body, etc)
B.) wholes are made up of parts but parts do not always make up wholes
C.) absences, flaws, failures, and relativities (holes) are embarrassments to
dominant totalizing, universalizing, and extractive communication schemas
3. form no value judgments regarding ‘quality’ (fitness to form) and use feels of 'embarrassment,' when sensed and perceived, as base states for resistance to objectification, functionalization, and mimeticism: by being qualified, you are used. Embarrassment is analogous to free action within this temporary, anti-materialist situation of in-tent(s)ion and at-tent(s)ion.
OPERATIONAL CONSEQUENCES OF AGREEMENTS A, B, and C IN PRACTICE (report in retrospect, after halt of operation)
A: methodological design of an objectification/autonomization procedure (booklet) used to translate subjective experience + sensed and perceived states of affection into similar yet formally alternate sort(al)s of/for information
B: temporal situation of processing emphasized; expressing, interpreting, translating, transfering, becoming embarrassed to be processing/as processed
C: holes becoming visible wherever aesthetic and mathetic processes collude, collapsing logics and matter(s) of attention into instances
* system: reproductive materialization of consistent relationships between parts
** resilience: that which returns to a consistent shape or definition
***alternating: that which alters, alternates, or makes alternative via action
**** queer: that which performs socially as an altercation to normativity
***** framed: bounded, through a definition or other conceptualization
****** defined: boundaries, limitations, made visible and agreed upon
******* relational: matter(s) materialized via social substantiation and transfer of perception and sensation between bodilies
******** interpreted: made meaningful or sign-ificant, as autonomously applicable to sentience and/or experience