SUBJECTIVITY-INDUCED FORESIGHT FACTOR: This score requires preparation of: text for Y or N and True or False questions, text for immediate feedback online, writing of translation score, + objects that may be needed to realize translation into consequential action, and materials and ways of expressing and realizing elements of the ASSOCIATIVE OUTCOMES section. Technology needed includes a sampler, a keyboard or accordion, harmonicas, darkroom timer, costumes, resonant metal and mallet, analog sound-making tomato, eggs and hotplate, projector to project the score for the live performance of ASSOCIATIVE OUTCOMES.
Each user selection generates a responses written in (parentheses) which seen by user, along with the text generated by each section’s overall point count, after full survey is completed and user clicks "Assess My Practice Now."
Q1= If Y+ then SELF-DEFINITION= I am a Performance Artist, input analog tomato. If N+ SELF-DEFINITION=I am not a Performance Artist AS calculated by Q18
Q2= If Y+ then LINGUISTIC CAPABILITIES include speech If N+ then LINGUISTIC ABILITIES exclude speech
Q3= If Y+ then MARKETABILITIES =AS calculated by Q16. If N+ then MARKETABILITIES=AS calculated by Q19
Q4= if Y+ then FLAMMABILITY= add harmonica in mouth, if N+ then INFLAMMABILITY =no harmonica in mouth
Q5= If Y+ then IDEALISM = image score (scan an image of a living thing in your mind, put your body in that position, make adjustments and add details until the image is finished), If N+ then NONIDEALISM= fry eggs
Q6= If TRUE+ then AUTONOMY = rhythmic variation between two, if FALSE+ then NONAUTONOMY= rhythmic maintenance between two
Q7= if TRUE+ then PRESENT SELF=performers face single direction within a 10ft area, if FALSE+ then CONSTRUCT SELF =performers use as much space as they can see when they begin performing.
Q8= if TRUE+ then TIME=2 minute pause w/ darkroom timer before buzzer, hide clockface from audience. If FALSE+ then TIME= move swiftly, do not delay, take no pauses.
Q9= if TRUE+ then VISIBILITY = performers become naked and perform grease dance, if FALSE+ then VISIBILITY= performers wear costumes throughout entire piece and do not perform grease dance.
Q10= TIE with Q11, if average = 6+ then SUCCESS= document performance, if average = 5 or -5 then SUCCESS = no documentation
Q11= TIE with Q10, see above line
Q12= take average # then REHEARSE vocally the number of people who took the survey that # the notes generated by Q13
Q13= average # correlate with A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5 for Q12
Q14= if average = +3 then STIMULATION = garlic, if average = 3 or below then STIMULATION = blindfold performers
Q15= if average = + 3 then FRUSTRATION = tones at ♩= 250,if average = 3 or below then FRUSTRATION = monophonic plainsong
Q16= if average =+ 3=MARKETABLE, then performers aim to please, - average= 3 or below = UNMARKETABLE, then performers aim to alienate
Q17= Most popular answer performed: 1= physical awkwardness 2= something disgusting 3= lovely image 4= write single word 5= performers discuss their private lives until they fight or make out, off to the side.
Q18= 1= “like a Xerox machine…” samples. 2 = “like a coal miner…” picking rhythm, loop metal sound. 3=”like an oracle…” mystic chord or Scriabin’s variations 4=”like a martyr…” Dm ♩= 55
Q19= average + 3 = MARKETABLE, then performers must ask for donations, average -3 = UNMARKETABLE, then performers must pay $0.05USD for every minute of their performance
Q20= Most popular answer performed: 1= line up all elements in space 2= licking 3= squelching sounds 4= rub everything in anti-bacterial gel
Q21= ASSOCIATIVE SECTION (Q21-Q15 = interests, materials and images that may be used for this performance. Full list is contained in each of four (4) possible outcomes, by total score. Most common total score = use of the generated interests, materials, and images. Follow this description as closely as possible as a context for the above translations.
Q22= see Q21
Q23= see Q21
Q24= see Q21
Q25= see Q21
Translate actual data into score at 1am, 10/13/2014, remove non-applicable outcomes.
Rehearse outcomes X1
On 10/16/2014, begin by explaining that the imminent performance is an actualization of data from a practice assessment subjectively based by the librettist on a roundtable discussion held by Performance Artists.
Then perform outcomes with public audience as accurately as possible.