Trauma Salon : contracture & catharsis

we survive to fix what is not yet shattered. we survive to comprehend what is not yet revealed. we survive to express what is not yet present. we survive to accept the inevitable mutation; of cells, hips, spinal fluid.
we shout from the gut. we spit off mountains. we smile at bruises. we do whatever is necessary. in such a way, we endlessly create.
are the best form of contraception ever; until they destroy your life.
"Who are you calling weak? Human jaws are surprisingly strong"
The trauma of adolescence. Feeling like your balls and mouth are made of paper. Paper mouth, Paper balls.
(Paper Balls features Lucio Menegon, David Grollman, and Jeff Barsky).
Jonathan Wood Vincent
Michael Foster:
The Ghost (vol 1): Boy Between 2 Worlds.
A solo performance for saxophone, objects, and tape.
A spontaneous presentation of mindset, attempting to make sense of my experiences with death, sexuality, and sadomasochism.
In this abstract performance piece, the death of a young prostitute plagues the mind of GREEN SUIT MAN while he struggles to come to terms with the violence inherent in both society and desire. Steve Roe performs as GREEN SUIT MAN, accompanied by Detta Andreana, Kevin Geraghty and Sam Sebren on noise electronics.
Butch Merigoni:
All Of It
Incrementally, over the course of the 20 minute performance, people will be asked to read from different texts. Every 45 seconds a new audience member will stand and read, adding to the layers of sound. This accumulation will continue until the room is filled with an onslaught of words, sentences, paragraphs and ideas. People have shared different reactions to this piece. Some find it soothing, others see it as chaotic. I see it as a day in the life of our minds: a constant, cumulative process of thought.