WE ARE SCORES: Casings and Treatments

WE ARE SCORES: Casings and Treatments Performance artists focus on casings and treatments of the body associated with the performance of femininity.
KRISTIN REGER (Mexico/US) http://gallery.kristinreger.com/
BENEDICTE CLEMENTSEN (Norway) http://www.benedicteclementsen.com/
IVY CASTELLANOS (US) www.ivycastellanos.com/
CHRISTEN CLIFFORD (US) http://christenclifford.tumblr.com/
HILARY SAND (US) http://hilarysand.com/
MARTHA MOSZCZYNSKI (US) www.marthamoszczynski.com
This installment of the No Wave Performance Task Force's "We Are Scores" series is curated by René Kladzyk, who writes: "In some ways, this focus is intended to deal with notion of a costume as being somehow 'false' or 'deceptive,' when the performance of identity is composed of layers upon layers of material and immaterial reference points, or 'masks.' I am thinking here of Roland Barthes' commentary on costume as a reference point, both its 'diseases' and semantic functions. Another building point is the manner that fashion has tended to be differentiated from artistic expression, how this distinction may be linked to patriarchy, and how shared reference points of bodily housing may or may not serve as fascinating items of analysis and symbolic markers of meaning."