Post Dance 3x3: Simone Johnson, Tess Dworman, Tingying Ma

Post Dance 3x3
****Simone Johnson****
****Tess Dworman****
****Tingying Ma****
About the artists:
Simone Johnson is a Staten Island based collaborative movement and visual artist. She is currently exploring plant life, water and food sovereignty. Simone has a deep interest in exploring and developing experimental, collaborative, community-building and healing processes connected to community dance practice. She also aspires to one day be a nomadic, dancing, plant/fungi medicine making, desert sky gazing, mycelium growing, infused honey making, flower loving, cooking from scratch, fire tending farmer-seedkeeper. Recent works include “Soil and Seed” performed at Movement for the People Dance Company’s 2017 Winter Intensive Studio Showing, “zero waste talismans: compost altar #3” presented at “Trash Capsules: Archives of Illness, Food and Diaspora”, a performance and visual art event curated by Kiera Bono and Alex Enzo Hope, and a number of works with cre-a-tion dance collective, including “Global Water Dances”, “Eos” and performing in the Apres Avant Garde Festival on the Staten Island Ferry and in front of the Whitehall Terminal, organized by the Dey de Dada Performance Art Collective. Simone will facilitate "heart waves", an interdisciplinary dance-making session focused on the power of the heart.
Tess Dworman is a Brooklyn-based choreographer and performer originally from Oak Park, IL. She has a teaching practice with Laurel Atwell in which they offer meditation and qi gong instruction. They operate under the moniker WellMan. More info at and
Tingying Ma is a New York based Theater maker. Her works have been presented by The Knockdown Center, Movement Research, The Current Sessions, Chambers Fine Arts Gallery in New York City and BankART Studio in Yokohama, Japan. She is currently an 2017/18 AIR of Chez Bushwick. She obtained her MFA from Columbia University.
***organized by Kaia Gilje***