Post-Dance Symposium

November 17-20
Conceiving of bodilies both individuated and social as theoretical and practical resources, we collectively and individually approach ways in which culture be (re)claimed, (re)made, (re)formed, and (re)paired by humyns.
DEADLINE FOR PAPERS/SCORES/TEXTS (for simultaneous online publication: November 15, response texts/papers/scores, November 30)
7pm-11pm: Performances by Mariana Valencia, Zavé Martohardjono, Ni’Ja Whitson, Shawn Escarciga
Matters: appropriation/sampling/mash-up/remix/etc: de-identification, ritual, rights/rites, cultural tradition + queer futurism
Problems: To whom, to what, and how does this body belong? How do we depart without detaching? How are we located in time and timing locating? How are we contextually situated and situating contexts? How are we culturally “framed” and framing “our own culture?”
6pm: warm-ups and public improvisation session
8pm-11pm: Performances by Lorene Bouboushian, Alex Romania, Kaia Gilje, QUEEFCORE
Matters: disgust/abject/substances and mess/emotional expression, hardcore existentialism and disciplinary decay, aesthetics, play, and practical methods for anti-dance-y dance
Problems: What becomes between improvisation and proposition? How do we communicate without using dominant codes and languages? How are we concrete and abstract, affected and affecting, able and unable?
3pm-7pm: DESIRE
Matters: academia, institutions, and "success," alter-systems, space and species, mutualism, money and madness, desire and survival, de-materializing realities and re-modeling economies of attention
Problems: What are the pros and cons of capitulation, participation, and subjection? How are we navigating our motivations and emotions? How do we interface with and de-face power paradigms and hegemonic orders for value and survival?
3pm: panel discussion with Rebecca Ferrell, Jumatatu Poe, Andre Lepecki, Clarinda Mac Low, artists from the other days.
7pm: warm-ups and physical shake-outs
8pm-11pm: DESIGN
Performances/Presentations by: Jessica Pretty, Charlie Maybee, Rebecca Ferrell, lo bil, Alexander D'Augostino and Noelle Tolbert
Matters: “choreography” and choreographed/choreographing bodilies, stagings and social arrangements, spectators/witnesses/audiences vs. participants vs. makers (role-playing), vessels, vehicles, and events
Problems: For whom do we make “dance” as such and why? What are the ethics of participatory modes? How do we make decisions and dare to anticipate, practice, and enforce con-sequences?
4pm: Post-dance: A Primer
Presented by: Lindsey Drury and No Collective (You Nakai, et al.)
Matters: “post-dance”
Problems: Is the term “post” a mere prefix to indicate we are over it? What is this “it” we are supposed to be over with? If we are over dance, why do we still cling to that old name? Wouldn’t “post-it” be a better name? And even if we stick to dance, can’t we do better than resorting yet again to the facile formula of [dance + x (e.g. performance art, discourse, theory, etc)] or [dance - x (e.g. choreography, dancer, etc)]? Do we even know what we seek to leave behind? What is a body? What is movement? What if “post” was a verb or a noun? Where do we go from here, where have we been, and who is this “we” that we all talk about?
5pm: Presentation by yon Tande
7pm-11pm: Performances and presentations by Ilona Bito, LJ Leach, Brandon Fisette, yon Tande, Amanda Hunt
Matters: objectlessness/deontology, spectacle vs. situation, mindbody, theory and authority, anthrocenticity, and auto-ethnography
Problems: How are the affects and consequences of our movements? Who are we in time and context and how do our practices create, demand, and inform change? What are the demands of this demonstration, this public assembly, this strike against daily ongoing performativity?
Organized by Leili Huzaibah, Esther Neff, Rebecca Ferrell, Lindsey Drury, and participants.