Trauma Salon : gravity & the grotesque

the voice soothes; the body shudders. breathe in heat; heated breasts. we search our skin for unchanging signs. we seek to solidify this search through speech.
Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen lytlaþ
(Mind must be the firmer, heart the bolder,
spirit must be the greater, as our strength diminishes.)
In such a way, we endlessly compose.
Hey Exit :
Hey Exit is Brendan Landis, a resident of Brooklyn. His music aims for an ambiguous middleground between loud and quiet, dense and sparse, bleak and optimistic – seeking not so much to oscillate between extremes as to find a space where they can coexist and influence each other
Naked Roots Conducive :
Naked Roots Conducive seeks to provide education and cultivate awareness concerning mental illness, addiction, and trauma. Our music is about surviving devastation through the beauty of creation. We feel that in confronting personal difficulties head on and shaping them into music and art we find a means of addressing the reality of our condition. We seek to create work that reveals the experience, struggles, consequences, and revelations of depression, bipolarity, and addiction. In striving towards clarity and transparency we discover a channel for personal and intrapersonal healing and tools for breaking down social stigma surrounding these diseases. We want to help others recover and find a way of living that is rooted in hope and creativity.
We will present a piece not unlike this mission and the darkness underscoring said emergence.
(TJ Borden, Nola Ranallo, Others)
Meaner Pencil :
An Open Discussion to Follow