For over a year now, Dave Ruder & Woody Leslie--collectively performing as Dave & Woody's Chicken Slaughtering, LLC--have been telling stories in public and private, from subways & parks, to theaters & stages. Not your average grandpa rattling off tales on the porch rocker, nor your Spalding-Gray-wannabe monologuizing life onto the stage, D&W's CS LLC inhabit a world inbetween, taking stories so true to life that their everyday mundanity moves past boring to something else entirely. This significance of personal insignificance isn't so much celebrated, as just nicely framed, in pieces that run the gamut from structured and rehearsed, to improvised and off-the-cuff, often with a strong multimedia component--projected images, hand drawn pictures, audio snippets, and more. First Brood represents a group of hatchlings raised over a year, ready to be presented at the dinner table for the first time as a full roast.*http://davewoodyllc.tumblr.com/ + 999 -or- Selections From The Annihilation of the Rose (an Imagined Scripture suggested by Borges and attributed to heretical 6th cen. false prophet Al Moquanna or Hakim, The Masked Dyer of Merv) by Ben Simington & Michael Clemow + "The Amateur" and "The Rash" words and music by Paul Rome www.paulrome.com *No actual chickens are likely to be slaughtered at this event.