OGJSTM (A second is a second isn’t a second) is a work that combines research, perception, and performance. Audience members are invited to take an active role in a perception-based experiment, and hear the results. Our raw experience of the world, lived both in and through our bodies, is constantly regimented and disciplined by ubiquitous technologies. iPhones, alarm clocks, TiVo schedules -- they constantly discipline our bodies to experience time as an objective, capitalistic commodity. This piece inverts the authority of embodied time and temporal technology. Time is no longer dictated by the technological tools of experiential control. Instead, timekeeping technology must conform to our lived experience of time, change, and transience. For once, our temporal habitus reaches past the confines of our bodies to determine -- discipline -- the precise workings of technologies for objective temporal reckoning.
ABOUT THE ARTIST: Luke Nickel is an interdisciplinary artist and researcher who creates work collaboratively with a set of six living archives. His work, which began in the field of music composition, investigates notions of notation, re-performance, loss of fidelity, and memory. He also co-directs the Cluster: New Music + Integrated Arts Festival in Winnipeg, MB, Canada.