SPEECHMUSICCAMP::::::::: An interest in communication via the flapping of the jaw and tongue, in addition to sound as art material, IN ADDITION to CAMP - you know, polka dots, sly grins, stripes, et cetera.
Geraldo Mercado http://geraldomercado.com/
Raul de Nieves http://www.rauldenieves.com/
FUTURE DEATH TOLL http://www.futuredeathtoll.com/
Lee Todd Lacks with Tom Swafford http://leetoddlacks.com/ http://tomswafford.com/
Household Tales http://householdtales.bandcamp.com/ Household Tales sings songs about cemeteries, trains, hangings, shipwrecks, pregnant women, baleful drunks, and urban coyotes, accompanied by acoustic and electric guitars, double bass, drums, and found objects.
Beer lovingly provided by Brooklyn Brewery