i do not know if reconciliation with oneself is a lived possibility. i do know that a new ritual, synergy & spirituality is necessary for those of us who feel deeply, perhaps harshly.
this is a means to regenerate, to cope with trauma as art and as artists. society at present has no clear answer to this. and so we endlessly begin:
installment 1:
Brandon Fisette
In this piece I will start on the floor and “wake up” to find myself in a body. As if before this I was simply energy. Then slowly throughout the piece I will attempt to walk in this body, from the ground up. It will be painful and difficult but healing is often painful and difficult. By the end I will be on my feet, walking
Leila Bordreuil
David Grollman
My father is dead. I want to put the pain and sadness I feel over his loss into what I present. I perform to move beyond this time frame and become a ball of energy outside myself. Make time stop for an instant. I want to share this with the audience and hopefully bring them out of time and themselves too.
Shawn Escarciga
is a performance artist and dancer based in Brooklyn. He has trained and worked in Commedia dell’Arte, devised theater and various movement forms in Chicago, Atlanta and Italy. In New York, he has performed and trains regularly with the Butoh company, the Vangeline Theater.
Adam is an apology to the body from the body. Using Butoh as an exploratory tool, the piece re-examines an attempted suicide in an effort to forgive and bring peace to the memory left in the bones
Valerie Kuehne will close with a discussion of what the hell happened, a search for meaning in bloody hands.
interested in submitting a piece/performance for future installments? email – valeriekuehne@gmail.com
Physician, heal thyself.