9 artists from each city have sent performance scores across the sea to be performed respectively in Edinburgh, Scotland, and Brooklyn, USA. Most performances on the Brooklyn end will be shown on Friday night, March 22. A few of the performances require outdoor travel, a longer time period, and the like, and will be scheduled for Saturday, March 23, and beyond.
Edinburgh performances of the Brooklyn artists' scores will be shown via livestream also on March 22. In Brooklyn, the performing artists will be...: Sherry Alberti Ivy Castellanos Christen Clifford Richard Kamerman Jon Konkol Valerie Kuehne Courtney Leigh Novak Anya Liftig (livestream from Kentucky) Brian McCorkle
In Edinburgh, the performing artists will be: Sarah Boulton Sian Robinson Davies Jessica Dunleavy Harry Giles James Harding Marcus O'Shea Anthony Schrag Angelika Sikorska-Mazur Cate Smith $5 suggested donation drinks available